Accessing Kanopy Kids

Enjoy free unlimited streaming with Kanopy Kids – videos do not require tickets to view

One account gives you access to Kanopy, Kanopy Kids, and Kanopy The Great Courses

Download the Kanopy app

Be informed before you connect to Kanopy Kids 

Please be aware that parents/legal guardians are responsible for their children's use of Kanopy service.  

While individuals under the age of 19 may utilize the Kanopy service, access to material restricted in Canada may be done only with the involvement, supervision, and approval of a parent or legal guardian. 


Note: You will be redirected to the Kanopy website, which is hosted in the United States. Any information gathered during your visit to the Kanopy streaming service will be transmitted and stored outside Canada.  

The personal information and privacy laws of British Columbia require that we obtain your consent before we continue. The personal information you provide in order to register and use Kanopy may be collected by the City of Surrey under s.26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of delivering streaming services to you. Please be aware that any information collected about you will be stored and/or accessed outside Canada through the Kanopy service which is governed by the terms and conditions of Kanopy. By registering, you are acknowledging and consenting to the handling of your personal information outside of Canada where the privacy requirements will be different than the requirements of privacy legislation in BC.  

Do you voluntarily agree and give your consent to your data being accessed and stored outside of  Canada? 

I consent

For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Director of Administrative Services, Surrey Libraries, 10350 University Drive, Surrey, BC, 604-598-7303

Create a Kanopy account (required): 

  1. From the Surrey Libraries Kanopy homepage, click ‘Add a Library Card’ 
  2. Enter your Surrey Libraries card number 
  3. Enter your name, email address, and a password. Then click ‘Sign Up’ 
    Note: We recommend avoiding signing up with Google or Apple 
  4. An email will be sent to the email address you provide. Click the ‘Verify My Email’ link, which will return you to the Kanopy website 

Visit the Kanopy support site or contact us for more help