Due to inclement weather, branches may have delayed openings and limited programs and services. Please call ahead to confirm.
The following are community resources available in Surrey and the surrounding area.
Due to inclement weather, branches may have delayed openings and limited programs and services. Please call ahead to confirm.
Learn about low cost and free ways to have fun. There is free swimming, discount passes to recreation centres, and much more.
Learn about free or low cost learning opportunities for children and adults. Also find English language training, citizenship or computer classes.
Learn about programs to help you find work or a new career. Also learn about income programs that can help with rent or other costs.
Learn about low cost and free meals and groceries.
Learn about low cost or free dental, general health, mental health, counselling or substance use services.
Learn where to find low cost furniture, clothing, mattresses and more.
From shelters to affordable housing, learn about your options. There are also programs to help you find housing or supports for staying where you are now.
Learn about local low cost or free legal programs. Includes family law, job issues, criminal cases, wills and estates and more.
Learn about discount passes, ride programs and other lower cost options.
Find information on social services in BC. You can call 211 or visit their website. It is a great resource, especially for current available shelter beds.
Get help finding work, housing, and starting your new life in Canada.
Find a mix of support, fun, and educational resources for adults and teenagers.
Find information about local doctors, health services and a wide range of other community services.
A great resource for senior's services in Surrey and the surrounding area. It is available online and in print at Surrey libraries.
This is a great resource for crisis services in Surrey. Created by Options Community Services.
Online guide to youth resources in Surrey, Langley, Delta, Maple Ridge and White Rock. This resource contains helpful information about a variety of youth-oriented services pertaining to violence prevention, bullying, health, education, counseling, recreation and more.
This information is also available as print brochures at all of our locations.
Please ask at your local branch. We are here to help.
You can also call 211 for a free, confidential, multilingual information and referral line to a full range of community, social, and government services. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you would like further information or if you spot a change that is needed you can contact us.
Surrey Libraries does not endorse or promote particular resources or programs, and inclusion here does not imply the Library’s endorsement.