2SLGBTQIA+ Resources
Free2BU Youth Drop In
Group for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and allies aged 14-21, as well as questioning or unsure youth in Surrey at Newton Youth Resource Centre.
Health Initiative for Men
Health centres that aim to strengthen the health and well-being in communities of self-identified Gay, Bisexual, and Queer/Questioning men and gender diverse people in BC.
PFLAG Surrey
PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) are supportive parents, friends, families, and allies of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. This local chapter serves Delta, Langley, Surrey, and White Rock, and meet once a month in South Surrey.
Rainbow Connection
Rainbow Connection is a weekly drop-in for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, on Wednesdays from 3:30-6:30pm at The Youth Space of South Surrey/White Rock in Bakerview Park. Youth can come grab a snack, participate in discussions and art workshops, get support, and connect with other 2SLGBTQIA+ youth! We also have special events such as field trips, Pride Prom, Pride month celebrations, and more! For more info, contact youthcollective@alexhouse.net or follow @sswryouthspace on Instagram for updates!
Sher Vancouver
For 2SLGBTQIA+ South Asians and their friends and families in Metro Vancouver.
Surrey Pride
Organizer of annual Surrey Pride festival and other events throughout the year for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Surrey.
Youth for a Change
For lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer youth (13-22) with a focus on activism and advocacy.
Outside Surrey
2 Spirits of BC
Organizer of events for the 2 Spirit people living in British Columbia to improve their wellness.
Burnaby Pride
Organizer of annual Burnaby Pride festival.
Fraser Valley Youth Society
Drop-in group for 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied youth in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, and Mission.
New West Pride
Organizer of annual New Westminster Pride festival and events.
Out in Schools
A program of Out on Screen (Vancouver’s annual Queer Film Festival) that helps bring workshops and film with 2SLGBTQIA+ representation into schools for education.
Out on the Shelves
Volunteer-run library committed to anti-oppressive social justice work. Vancouver’s oldest 2SLGBTQIA+ library.
Queer Arts Festival
Annual artist-run festival with a permanent space at the SUM Gallery in Vancouver’s Chinatown, to showcase Queer art.
Non-profit based in Vancouver to improve queer, trans and Two-Spirit lives.
Rainbow Refugee
Organization for sponsoring 2SLGBTQIA+ refugees seeking to escape the country they are currently residing.
Trans BC
Trans Care BC supports the delivery of equitable and accessible care, surgical planning, and peer and community support for trans people across the province.
Trans Lifeline
Provides trans peer support; run by and for trans people: 877-330-6366
Vancouver Pride
Organizer of annual Vancouver Pride Parade and festival.
Health organization for led and run by youth to deal with HIV and Hep C.