Rent a Meeting Room

We are currently booking meeting rooms at most branches.

Booking a Meeting Room

Rates listed include all taxes. Rental rates subject to change.

Contact our administration staff either by phone or our booking form.

Tel: 604-598-7300 at Library Administration

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Library Meeting Rooms

Terms & Conditions


When not in use by Surrey Public Library, the Library’s meeting rooms may be booked by community organizations. Meeting rooms are available only during Library open hours, and using the meeting rooms is subject to the general rules, regulations and policies of the Library. 

Please note that library staff do not store belongings, assist with meetings, or run messages for individuals/groups using the meeting rooms. Library staff are not available to fix or troubleshoot equipment (e.g. computer cords, projectors). Equipment problems may be reported to library staff so that the problem can be reported to the appropriate department.

  • Room usage must be in accordance with Library Policies and Library Facilities Regulation By-law No. 13804 and Schedule 24 of By-law No. 12508. The Library reserves the right to deny or cancel meeting room privileges at any time.
  • Organizations with existing insurance coverage are requested to name the City of Surrey as additionally insured on your policy for a minimum of 2 million liability.
  • A fee of $10 is charged for cancellations made within 72 hours of the scheduled booking. The full rental is charged and owing for no shows.
  • Payment must be received and proof of payment shown before access is allowed into the rented space.
  • Rooms must be left in original condition. Repairs and excessive cleaning may be charged back.
  • Extra costs that may be required and related to the rental such as set up, security, etc must be paid by the renter.
  • Permission to use the rooms does not imply the Library’s endorsement of the users, their beliefs or their activities.
  • Rental of the room is based on the use of the space and the basic furniture provided (chairs, tables), not on the equipment available (e.g., projector, microwave, fridge, etc.).  While the Library strives to ensure working order of equipment, it is not responsible or liable for any equipment stoppages before or during a rental. If there are equipment in the room not in working order, please report to library staff.

When using the meeting room

  • Follow current Provincial Health Officer (PHO) orders related to public indoor settings and indoor organized gatherings and events.
  • Respect room capacity limits.
  • Enter at the beginning of your reservation, and leave the room promptly by the end of your reservation.
  • Set up and clean up the meeting room within your reserved time.
  • Keep noise at an acceptable level to avoid disturbing other library patrons. No parties, candles, open flame, alcohol allowed.
  • Be respectful when dealing with library staff.
  • Approaching library users in the library or inviting library users entering/leaving the library to come into the meeting room, is not permitted.
  • Keep all activities confined to the rented space. Displays including banners outside the rented space are not permitted.
  • Use only what’s provided in the room unless otherwise specified, and bring your own equipment or supplies as needed. Ask library staff if unsure.

If the terms and conditions you have agreed to are not followed, your group may be asked to leave the premises, and future bookings may be denied.

Waiver and Indemnity

In consideration of acceptance of being permitted to use the above requested meeting room, I agree to indemnify and save harmless, the Surrey Public Library and the City of Surrey, their respective elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, officers, servants and representatives (collectively referred to as the "Owners") from and against any and all claims, actions, costs, judgments and expenses and demands in respect to death, injury, loss, expense or damage to person or property incurred by myself, the party whom I act for as agent, or any third party, due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence or any breach of any common law or statutory duty of care, including any duty of care owed under the Occupiers Liability Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 337, as amended, on the part of the Owners.

You will need to accept the terms and conditions before your reservation is confirmed.