Family History

Finding your roots. Telling your story. We have one of the largest family history collections in western Canada and many international resources.

Our Collection

Our Family History department is located at the Cloverdale Branch. It holds over 3000 books, over 5000 microfilms, several online databases, and has genealogy-trained staff to assist family historians with their research.


The Family History Department is open during all library hours.


Need help? Contact the Family History department at the Cloverdale branch:


Document Delivery Service

The department offers a limited look-up service for researchers who have exact references for specific records from microfilm, print, or databases. Requested records are sent via email or regular mail for a fee of $5 per item (postage charges may apply).

BC Vital Statistics

Our microfilm collection includes births to 1903, marriages to 1933, and deaths to 1988; an essential resource for any records and images that are not available online through BC Archives.  

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Digital Resources

We have great tools purchased by the library along with trusted websites to help you in your family history research.

See a full list of our digital resources.

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Research your Family's History

Start your research with a guide written by Family History staff.