BC Black History: Resilience Amid Racism
Join us for an informative lecture on Black history in British Columbia.
There is a wealth of Black history in our province, from Vancouver Island’s Governor James Douglas in 1851; to William Allen Jones becoming the first licensed dentist in BC; to 1994 when the BC Black History Awareness Society was incorporated; to today with a thriving Black History Month, permanent and travelling exhibits on Black history, and increased awareness and recognition of Black excellence. This is paralleled with continued inequality and anti-Black racism that started as soon as Black people settled on the unceded lands of this country. This talk will provide more information on Black history in this province and highlight some stories from Surrey, with images and stories that show the vibrancy of Black people, and how our achievements must be celebrated from hundreds of years ago until today.
Presented in partnership with the BC Black History Awareness Society.
An email address is required for registration.
Registration required. Register by email.