One on One Technology Help

Tuesday, November 12 2024, 6–6:45pm
Semiahmoo Branch

Book a technology help session in a friendly atmosphere. Bring your questions and your device. This session is one-to-one with a library staff member.

We will help you with questions about:

  • Computer Basics — mousing, internet searching, Microsoft Word
  • Tablet basics —  downloading apps, eBooks, magazines
  • Essentials of using eReaders or laptops
  • Cyber safety basics – how to be safe while using the Internet

Surrey Libraries is not able to diagnose or repair hardware issues.

Please note: this is not a class


Semiahmoo Branch
1815 152 Street, Surrey, British Columbia V4A 9Y9



Registration Details

By appointment. Register by phone or in-person at the service desk. 

Event Dates


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