Get ready for kindergarten with these best 100 books!
Exploring Emotions
Kids have all kinds of different feelings: happiness, anger excitement and many more. Enjoy the good feelings and explore how to deal with tough ones too.
Try, Try Again
Making mistakes is an important part of learning. Kids can reflect on what they did and figure out a better way to do things next time.
Who I Am
Everyone is different and that is awesome! Explore self-expression, self-discovery and building confidence.
Community & Family
We are all connected to each other and the world around us. Celebrate your own traditions while also learning about all types of families.
Stories That Shape Us
Story helps us understand ourselves and the world around us. These books tell tales that are well known across cultures. These titles include both traditional Folk and Fairy Tales as well as Traditional Indigenous Stories.
Exploring Concepts
There is so much to learn about how things work. Experiment, measure, compare, observe, and ask lots of questions.
Getting Along
A big part of Kindergarten is learning how to be around other kids. Building friendships, sharing and seeing things from someone else's perspective will help the transition go more smoothly.
We think children will still be reading these books for years to come!
Encourage kids to think about all types of possibilities − real and imagined. Laugh, ask questions, be curious and playful.
The Natural World
We live in a beautiful place with lots of trees, water, wildlife and different types of weather. Learn more about everything outside inside of a book.