Atlases & Maps - Manitoba
- Manitoba Historical Maps Photostream on Flickr
- The David Rumsey Map Collection has a large collection of digitized historical maps. Type “Manitoba” into the search box at the top right, then you can refine your results using the “Refine” menu on the left of your results page:
- Old Maps Online
- University of Calgary Digital Collections: (type “Manitoba maps” into the search bar)
The Family History department has a large collection of historical atlases and maps. Many maps are oversized and cannot fit on regular bookshelves; they can be found on a separate stand close to the print collection. Also check the non-fiction section on the main floor which has many maps and atlases. A good resource here:
Ruggles, Richard I., and John Warkentin, (eds). Manitoba Historical Atlas: A Selection of Facsimile Maps, Plans and Sketches from 1612 to 1969. Library call number: 911.7127 MAN 1970