Directories - Ontario
City directories are a great resource to fill in the gaps from Census records. They are generally published annually, and contain information such as address, occupation, and marital status.
Different sites contain different collections of dates and locations covered:
- -- FamilySearch, Library and Archives Canada, and the Ontario Genealogical Society are in the process of digitizing all of the Vernon’s directories for Ontario. These are available on FamilySearch and the collection will grow as the digitization project continues.
- Canadian Directories Collection – Library and Archives Canada -- is a database of scanned, microfiche versions of pre-1901 Canadian directories. There are 95 directories in the Canadian Directories Collection database, including a comprehensive collection of directories for Ottawa (spanning 1861 to 1901).
- Toronto Public Library – digitized Toronto City Directories from 1797-1969.
- Ancestry Library Edition, available at all Surrey Libraries branches, also has a collection of Ontario directories.
- Internet Archive
- The Ancestor Hunt
- also provides links to many Ontario directories
The Family History department has a number of print directories for Ontario. Some examples:
Crowder, Norman Kenneth. 1988. Inhabitants of York County, Ontario, 1850 / Roswell’s City of Toronto and County of York Directory. Nepean, Ont.: Crowder Enterprises Library call number - GEN 929.37135 INH 1988
Ontario Genealogical Society. 1989. Brown's Toronto City and Home District Directory, 1846-47. Toronto: Halton-Peel Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society. Library call number - GEN 917.1354 BRO 1989
Esquesing Historical Society. 1983. Peel and Halton Directory 1866-67. Georgetown, On: Esquesing Historical Society, 1983 Library call number - GEN 917.1353 FUL 1983
Elliot, Noel Montgomery. 1984. People of Ontario, 1600-1900: Alphabetized Directory of the People, Places, and Vital Dates. London, On: Genealogical Research Library. Library call number – 929.3713 PEO
Elliot, Noel Montgomery. 1994. The Central Canadians 1600 to 1900: an alphabetized directory of the people, places, and vital dates. Toronto. Genealogical Research Library Library call number – GEN 929.3713 CEN