Local Histories - Manitoba
Local histories can be a great resource for filling in many different types of family history details. Local histories can have detailed information about the people who lived there, including photos and biographies.
Our Family History department has many local histories for towns in Manitoba. To see if the library has a history of a particular town or area, look in the library catalogue using “Subject browse” and terms: Manitoba – History. Some examples:
Garland, Aileen. Trails and Crossroads to Killarney: A Story of Pioneer Days in the Killarney and Turtle Mountain District. Library call number: 971.27 GAR 1967
Neepawa History Book Committee. Heritage: A History of the Town of Neepawa and District as Told and Recorded by its People Library call number: 971.272 HER 1983
Foxwarren and District History Book Committee. The Fox’s Tale. The history of Foxwarren and the consolidated school district #525. Library call number: 971.273 Fox 1989