Researching Family History

Métis Land Records

For Métis or Half–Breed Scrip: Land Records, the main collection of records is titled "Half-breeds & Original White Settlers 1870-1920". “Scrip” refers to a system used by the Canadian government beginning in 1870, of issuing certificates for land claims made by mixed-race people and original white settlers, for property released from the Hudson’s Bay Company’s jurisdiction in the West.  

A key record set within this collection is the Department of the Interior records (RG-15), which offer considerable family history information. Notably women can be searched by maiden name as extensive cross-referencing is provided. The RG-15 records are available in our Department's microfilm collection and searchable online at Library and Archives Canada.

See the Métis Land Claims in section 7 of the library’s guide: Canadian Family History Resources. 


Glenbow Archives

  • Information about Métis genealogical resources

Library and Archives Canada – Finding Metis Scrip

Library & Archives Canada 

  • Detailed information about Métis people and the records, as well as access to an online database with over 15,000 digitized images.

* Note that the Library and Archives Canada databases contain over 15,000 images. Many, but not all, Metis Land Claims are included but researchers may also need to consult microfilms, below.

Many provinces also have their own Metis association that may be able to offer assistance. 


Section 7 of the library’s Canadian Family History Resources: A Guide to the Materials Held at Cloverdale Library describes the microfilms that we have at Cloverdale for Métis scrip records. These include an alphabetical index to affidavits (applications) for Manitoba 1870-1885, the Northwest Territories (includes present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan and Manitoba) 1885-1901/06, and the RG-15 films noted above, among others. Ask our Family History Department staff for assistance. 


Our Family History Department holds several print resources pertaining to Metis land records. A small sample of our holdings is below:

Flanagan, Thomas.  1991.  Metis Land in Manitoba.  Calgary.  University of Calgary Press. Library call number: 929.37127 FLA 1991

Morin, Gail.  Company Men. [A series of over 30 volumes of genealogies of men who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, includes scrip applications] Library call number:  929.37127 MOR 2017

Morin, Gail. 1998.  1900 Scrip.  Pawtucket, R.I. Quintin Publications. Library call number: 929.37127 MOR

Roberts, John.  Discover your Métis Ancestry: a beginner’s guide. Library call number: 929.108997071 ROB 2008 

Sprague, D.N.  The Genealogy of the First Metis Nation: the development and dispersal of the Red River Settlement, 1820–1900 (Winnipeg, 1983).  Library call number 971.37127 SPR 1983