Researching Family History

Local Histories and Other Print Resources - Indigenous & Métis

Local histories can be a great resource for filling in many different types of family history details. Local histories can have detailed information about the people who lived there, including photos and biographies. Also important to note, some local history books will also have a bibliography section that can point readers to additional information about the community.


Many local community histories can be found online, and some are even downloadable. 


Our Family History Department has many books pertaining to indigenous genealogy, history, and research.  A few examples here:

Hanowski, Laura.  2006.  Tracing Your Aboriginal Ancestors in the Prairie Provinces.  Regina, SK, Saskatchewan Genealogy Association Library call number: 929.10720712 TRA 2006

Duff, Wilson 1959.  Histories, Territories, and Laws of the Kitwancool Victoria, BC, BC Provincial Museum Department of Education. Library call number: 970.3 DUFF 1959

Leon, Shirley, and Sharon Syrette.  2021.  Courage to Speak; Honouring Ancestors Voices. Victoria, BC, Aboriginal Genealogy Association. Library call number: 497.3 LEO 2021

Faux, David Kenneth.  2002.  Understanding Ontario First Nations Genealogical Records: Sources and Case Studies. Toronto, Ontario Genealogical Society. Library call number – 929.3713 FAU 2002 

Our Department also has many local histories for towns in Canada, especially western Canada. While most of these books focus on European settlers, indigenous people local to the area are also often included. To see if the library has a history of a particular town or area, look in the library catalogue using “Subject browse” and terms: [your research province] – History. You may also want to browse the bookshelves in the call number area of GEN 971. Some examples:

Hope and District Historical Society.  Forging a New Hope: Struggles and Dreams 1848 – 1948. Library call number GEN 971.13 FOR

Loosmore, W.S.B.  To Trail’s End: Early Settlement in Drayton Valley. Library call number: GEN  971.233 LOO 1994

Noel, Oliver.  A Pictorial History of St. Paul [des Metis] and District. Library call number: GEN 971.233 NOE 1979

Neepawa History Book Committee.  Heritage: A History of the Town of Neepawa and District as Told and Recorded by its People Library call number: GEN 971.272 HER 1983

Forgotten Echoes Historical Society.  Forgotten Echoes: A History of Blackfoot and Surrounding Area. Library call number: GEN 971.23 FOR 1982

Pearson, John. 1960. Land of the Royal Kwantlen: a history of North Surrey, BC. Library call number: GEN 971.133 PEA 1960

Thornton, Mildred V. 2000.  Buffalo People: Portraits of a Vanishing Nation. Delta, BC, Hancock House. Library call number: GEN 971.200497 THO 2000

Morin, Gail. 2001.  Metis Families: a genealogical compendium.  2001/2016 (11 volumes).  North Charleston, SC, CreateSpace Independent Publishing. Library call number GEN 929.37127 MOR 2001

Faux, David K. 2002.  Understanding Ontario First Nations Genealogical Records: sources and case studies.  Toronto, Ontario Genealogical Society. Library call number: GEN 929.3713 FAU 2002