Researching Family History

Local Histories - Alberta

Local histories can be a great resource for filling in many different types of family history details. Local histories can have detailed information about the people who lived there, including photos and biographies.



The library has many local histories for towns in Alberta. To see if the library has a history of a particular town or area, look in the library catalogue using “Subject browse” and terms:  Alberta – History. You may also want to browse the bookshelves in the call number area of GEN 971.23.  Some examples:

Loosmore, W.S.B.  To Trail’s End: Early Settlement in Drayton Valley. Library call number: 971.233 LOO 1994

Esther & District History Book Committee. Sage Brush and Shifting Sand: Esther and District 1910 to 1990. Library call number: 971.233 SAG 1991

Forgotten Echoes Historical Society.  Forgotten Echoes: A History of Blackfoot and Surrounding Area. Library call number: 971.23 FOR 1982