Researching Family History

Hudson’s Bay Company Indexes - Saskatchewan

The Hudson’s Bay Company was active in the development of the western provinces since its establishment in 1670.  These records can be useful to research early Saskatchewan genealogy. Many types of records exist including contracts, personal accounts, pension records, estate records and census information on some Indigenous peoples.


There is an easy to use guide to the HBC records on the Internet.


Our Family History department has three Hudson’s Bay Company record indexes on microfilm, that act as detailed finding aids to what’s available at the Hudson Bay Archives in Manitoba. The films are finding aid microfilms: 20M1, 1M1252 and 1M1253. Please ask a staff member for assistance


The Family History department has several resources relating to Hudson’s Bay Company records in its print collection. Some examples:

Hudson’s Bay Company. 1942. Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1671 – 1674.  TorontoChamplain Society. Library call number: GEN 971.2 HUD 1942

Simmons, Deirdre. Keepers of the Record: The History of the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives. Library call number: GEN 971.201 SIM 2007

Morin, Gail.  Company Men. [A series of over 20 volumes of genealogies of men who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company.] Library call number:  GEN 929.37127 MOR 2017