Vital Records - Manitoba
Civil registration in Manitoba began in 1882 for all vital records. There are some incomplete church records available for years earlier than 1882. Privacy laws restrict public access to these records, as follows:
- Births released: after 100 years
- Marriages released: after 80 years
- Deaths released: after 70 years
Remember to request a photocopy of the registration document as this carries the most information. You can search the database and request copies through Manitoba Vital Statistics
Fees are $12 per copy.
The Family History department has a small collection of resources for Manitoba vital records in its print collection: Some examples:
Stokes, Kathleen Rooke. An Index of Birth, Marriage and Death Notices from Manitoba Newspapers. Library call number: 929.37127 IND
Southworth, Kelly. Fast Facts for Finding Family from Manitoba. Library call number: 929.37127 FAS 2007