Other Resources - Quebec
- Family search wiki: Québec research
- Fédération Québecois des Société de Généalogie (FQSG) in French
- British Columbia Genealogical Society
- Québec Family History Association
- Quebec GenWeb
- National Huguenot Society
- National Archives of Quebec
Finding your French-Canadian Ancestors. St. Denis, Louise. Toronto: Heritage Productions, 2001 GEN 929.1072 STD 2001
Finding your Ancestors in English Quebec Douglas, Althea. Toronto: Heritage Productions, 2001 GEN 929.3714 DOU 2001
French Canadian Sources: a Guide for Genealogists. Geyh, Patricia Keeney. Orum, Utah: Ancestry Publications, 2002. GEN 929.10720714 FRE 2002
Canada’s Huguenot Heritage: Proceedings of Commemorations held in Canada during 1985 of the Tercentenary of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Harrison, Michael. Toronto: Huguenot Society of Canada, 1987 305.645 CAN 1987
Newsletters and Magazines
The Family History department holds a collection of popular family history magazines such as Internet Genealogy and Family Tree.
Articles within these magazines may include information specific to Canada and Canadian provinces.
Newsletters and magazines can be borrowed with a Surrey Libraries card.