Passenger & Immigration Lists - Quebec
The Montreal Emigrant Society Passage Book (1832) is a searchable index that references almost 2000 people who received aid from the Montreal Emigrant Society between May 12 and November 5, 1832.
Passenger and Immigration lists can hold valuable information. They can indicate addresses, destinations and names of other family members. Note that census records often include the year a person arrived in Canada, which can be helpful in narrowing down dates for passenger and immigration list records. The 1901 census is the first to include information on the year of arrival and year of naturalization.
- “Canadian Passenger Lists: 1865-1935” - searchable by name, port, ship, arrival/departure dates, with digital images of records (this includes records for the ports of Victoria, and Vancouver).
- “Canadian Immigration Records:1790-1906” - searchable by name. Transcriptions of records.
- Home page for information on passenger lists 1865-1922 and links to resources for ship’s passenger lists (ocean arrivals) as well as border entry
- “The Montreal Emigrant Society Passage Book” (1832) is a searchable index that references almost 2000 people who received aid from the Montreal Emigrant Society between May 12 and November 5, 1832.
There are also numerous books of passenger list arrivals and a variety of books on the topic of immigration to Canada. Some books about Immigration, covering the first immigrants to Québec in the early 1600’s as well as more recent arrivals. General Information can be found in 325 area.
Émigration Rochelaise en Nouvelle-France. Godbout, Père Archange. Montreal: Editions Alysee, 1980 GEN 929.3714 GOD
Before the King’s Daughters: The Filles à Marier, 1634 - 1662 Gagné, Peter J. Pawtucket R.I.: Quintin Publications GEN 929.3714 GAG 2002
King’s Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi, 1663 -1673 Gagné, Peter J. Pawtucket R.I.: Quintin Publications GEN 929.3714 GAG 2002
Microfilms for all Canadian incoming passenger lists are available at the library. The films are organized by port of arrival and date. For details on the microfilms, see section 3-10 of the library’s guide: Canadian Family History Resources.