Researching Family History

Vital Records - Indigenous & Métis

Government-registered birth, marriage, and death records are available and are excellent sources of information for family history research. Privacy laws restrict public access to these records to a waiting period before records are publicly released, unless a relationship is proven. Public access is different for each province.
Researchers are encouraged to consult our corresponding provincial research guide for the province of interest for more information on finding and accessing these records.
Basic information for each province is provided in the following table.
It is always good to look at the guidelines provided by each of these databases to get the most out of a search, as they all work a little differently.

ProvCivil Reg. beganBirth avail. after # years*Marriages avail. after # years*Deaths avail. after # of years*Searchable digital resource linkNotes
BC18721207520 Department has this collection on microfilm
ABM&D 1890 
B 1850
1207550 limited database of indigenous marriages
SKB&D 1888 
M 1878
ON18691869-19171803-1845 1869-19381869-1948Available on Ancestry & Marriage bonds for Upper Canada (Ontario) are searchable through LAC: Cloverdale Branch Family History Department has microfilm index reels for Ontario births, marriages and deaths from 1869
QUEB 1926 M 1960 Full BMD = 1994See our provincial guideSee our provincial guideSee our provincial guide Roman Catholic Church = only source for early death records.
NB1888See our provincial guideSee our provincial guideSee our provincial guide 
NFLD18911891-18991891-19491891-1922 see
NSB&D 1864-1877; 1908-present M 17581920-present1920-present1920-present gaps in pre- 1908 records
PEI1906125075 also

*(1) Fees may apply to accessing records for some provinces, even those that are open to public access;
(2) More recent records are available but require special application and fees.
(3) The only Birth/Marriage/Death records prior to the civil registration dates are church/parish records.