Local Histories - British Columbia
Local histories can be a great resource for filling in many different types of family history details. Local histories can have detailed information about the people who lived there, including photos and biographies.
The library has many local histories for towns in British Columbia. To see if the library has a history of a town or area, look in the library catalogue using “Subject browse” and terms: “British Columbia – History”. Or if you want to browse our print collection, British Columbia histories can be found under the call number 971.1. Some examples:
Drew, Ralph. Forest & Fjord: the history of Belcarra. Library call number: 971.133 DRE 2013
McCuaig, George. Kaslo – the first 100 years. Library call number: 971.14 MCC 1993
Lumby Historians. Grassroots of Lumby: 1877 – 1927. Library call number: 971.15 GRA 1979
Harris, Lorraine. Halfway to the Goldfields – A History of Lillooet. Library call number: 971.14 HAR 1977