Researching Family History

Wills and Estate Records - Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan’s jurisdiction began with Confederation in 1906. Probate records created before 1958 are in the Surrogate Court nearest to the residence of the deceased. The earliest records for Saskatchewan are 1883.  Since 1958, wills can be probated at any one of the judicial centers in the province.  Probated wills are also filed with the Surrogate Registrar at the Regina Court House:

Registrar of Courts
Wills and Estates Registry
Local Registrar’s Office
Court House
2425 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK   S4P 4W6
Phone: (306) 787-5223 
Fax: (306) 787-7217

Online provides several digitized data collections:

  • Probate Estate files from 1887-1931. Searchable index. 
  • Judicial District Court Records 1891-1954. Browse only