Other Resources - Indigenous & Métis
- A large number of genealogy resources and databases are available at Library and Archives Canada Genealogy
- Vancouver Public Library Indigenous Research Guide
- Metis Nation Historical Online Database
- Aboriginal Genealogy Association, based in Mission, BC
Email: ancestorconnections@gmail.com
Social Media
It is also useful to search for Facebook and other social media groups. For example:
- Aboriginal Genealogy Network
- Canadian Genealogy
- Canada First Nations Genealogy Research
- Metis Family Research Website Resources & Discussions
- Sto:lo Genealogy Office
- Lac La Ronge History (Saskatchewan, Metis homeland)
- Ohsweken Genealogy Society (Six Nations of the Grand River in Tuscarora Township, Brant County, Ontario)
- Haudenosaunee/Iroquois/Six Nations Genealogy (between Lake Erie & Hudson River)
Both FamilySearch.org and Ancestry have many resource collections for various provinces.
Other Key Resources by Province
Local genealogy associations and local archives are excellent resources for indigenous family history research in their areas. Below is a list of genealogy associations, archives, and other key resources in each province with links to their websites for contact information.
Library and Archives Canada
LAC has a webpage with contact information by province for a number of genealogy organizations
British Columbia
- BC Genealogical Society
- BC Archives Indigenous Materials
- BC Archives Indigenous Research Guide
- Abbotsford Genealogical Society
- Maple Ridge Family History Group
- UBC X̱wi7x̱waLibrary
- Ontario Genealogical Society
- Metis Nation of Ontario
(community reports toward the bottom of the page contain names for those communities) - Archives of Ontario – Records Relating to Aboriginal People
- Archives of Ontario Genealogy
- Quebec Family History Society
- Quebec Genealogical Society
- BAnQ du Quebec – Quebec National Archives
- Access Genealogy – Quebec First Nations
Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
- Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Genealogy Network Association
- Nova Scotia Archives