Researching Family History

Métis Land Records - Manitoba

For Métis or Half–Breed Scrip: Land Records, the main collection of records is titled "Half-breeds & Original White Settlers 1870-1920". “Scrip” refers to a system used by the Canadian government beginning in 1870, of issuing certificates for land claims made by mixed-race people and original white settlers, for property released from the Hudson’s Bay Company’s jurisdiction in the West. 

A key record set within this collection is the Department of the Interior records (RG-15), which offers considerable family history information. Notably women can be searched by maiden name as extensive cross-referencing is provided. The RG-15 records are available in our department's microfilm collection. See the Métis Land Claims in section 7 of the library’s guide: Canadian Family History Resources. 


Library & Archives Canada 

  • Detailed information about Métis people and the records, as well as access to an online database with over 15,000 digitized images.

Manitoba Métis Federation


Listed below are a few of the books you can find by doing a subject search of the library’s catalogue using the terms:  METIS – GENEALOGY:

 Roberts, John.  Discover your Métis Ancestry: a beginner’s guide. Library call number: 929.108997071 ROB 2008 

Morin, Gail.  Northwest Half-Breed Script- 1885. Library call number: 929.37127 MOR 1997

Morin, Gail.  Métis Families: A Genealogical Compendium. (6 vols) Library call number: 929.37127 MOR 2001

Gagne, Peter.  French-Canadians of the West: A Biographical Dictionary of French Canadians and French Métis of the Western United States and Canada Library call number: 929.37127 GAG 2000

Sprague, D.N. & R.P. Frye (eds).  The Genealogy of the first Métis nation: The Development and Dispersal of the Red River settlement 1820-1900. Library call number: 929.37127 SPR 1983

Morin, Gail.  Company Men. [A series of over 30 volumes of genealogies of men who worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, many of whom married indigenous women.] Library call number:  929.37127 MOR 2017


Section 7 of the library’s Canadian Family History Resources: A Guide to the Materials Held at Cloverdale Library describes the microfilms that we have at Cloverdale for Métis scrip records. Ask the information staff for assistance.